Friday 8 October 2010

Summer thinking...Ideas

So over the last couple of weeks I've been starting to brainstorm a few ideas that I would want to do for the final year. Over the past two years I've come to discovered that I'm really going to need a strong idea that will allow me to push forward for the whole year as in previous projects I've really struggled to get going and certainly after the Christmas break. So due to that knowledge I really to think of a project that will motivate me and something that I'll really get behind.

Idea 1
The ideas that I'm contemplating mainly resolve around three main focal points. The first is nature, something that I've been interested in for all my life and something that I know I would be motivated to work behind. The main problem with looking at nature is where to start and what exactly to do. I would be interested in doing wildlife photography however I know that would be too hard to be creative and just generally achieve. The main problem with wildlife photography is exactly what to do, everything that I would be able to achieve is such a short amount of time would almost certainly have been done, published and also would be pretty boring.

Idea 2
The other part of nature that I would like to look at is nature and man's interaction. Now this would be far more creative and productive then looking into wildlife photography. I also think there would be far more roots that I can go down. I could go at Leicester race course and look at the interactive between punters and the racing itself with I think would work well. I think I would also be able to contact several zoos and other places along those lines and document the places inside and out.

Idea 3
The other point that I would be interesting into looking into is manipulation. In my second year I did a piece of work ( which looked at manipulating objects that you wouldn't pay much attention and changing them dramatically. What I primarily looked at last year where bridges, taking a picture of the bridge from the side and changing it in photoshop to make it circular. The project went from strength to strength and it proved to be a generally exciting project that I think would be good to carry on. I would have to find a new item to look at, or several items to look at but I do think it could work.

Idea 4
Kind of the same line as manipulating but looking at the human body. I made a short film in my first year which was a complete experimental piece but its still one of the strongest things I've made in my years at University.( If I carry this on then I would work mainly with the human body but manipulating it strongly. Making more work like the one above and maybe looking size and perfection. The only problem with this is that I'm not that happy with working with people, unfortunately I don't trust people sometimes to turn up for shoots and even then trying to actually get people to do it is not always easy, certainly if I need to get people to be topless or more.

Maybe a combination between Ideas 3 and 4 could be a good way of working.

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